Service Times
Sunday School – 9:30 A.M.Sunday Morning Worship Service – 10:30 A.M.Wednesday Night Bible Class – 6:00 P.M.
Women’s Ministry
Encouragers (will not meet June, July and August) group meets each Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock in the church fellowship room. It is the purpose of the Encouragers to build each other up and to encourage others to build their relationship with Christ. Their meetings are filled with special guests, service projects, a card ministry, shut-in visits and short trips. These activities allow them to accomplish their goal expressed in I Thessalonians 5:11 ”Encourage one another and build each other up”. You are invited to join them in their quest to grow stronger in the Lord and to become better encouragers.
Lydia’s Lamplighters (will not meet June, July and August) meets the 1st Tuesday of each month in the church fellowship hall at 6 p.m. Lydia’s Lamplighters is a small group ministry of Pathfinders Christian Church. The mission of this group is to share the love of Christ through activities that involve congregational fellowship, enhancing the worship experience, caring for shut-ins and the bereaved, and providing for community members who are less fortunate.